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     We want to take a moment to extend a very warm welcome to everyone visiting us for the first time.  Whether you're just having a look, or are searching out for a place to worship, we're delighted you are here. Please contact us for more information.






     Our mission is to glorify God through a proper response to the Lordship of Jesus Christ; to express that response through wholehearted obedience to the scriptures, powerful worship, exuberant praise, and faithful service.


     Through the study of God’s Word, worship, and the experience of our faith, we provide an opportunity for others to join us as we grow in Christ.



     The vision of River of Life Church is to be a church without walls. It is our desire that the Lord builds a church that will reach the lost, the lonely, and the left out.  It is our belief that Christ came to give His abundant life to all people. 


     Fulfilling the challenges of Christ to “share His love” with others is our greatest desire.


     Sharing in spiritual growth and caring for those who are in need provides our church family a sense of meaning and purpose.


     We want to epitomize Isaiah 58:12 by raising up the foundations of many generations and be repairers of the breach, the restorers of paths to dwell in.


     Our doors are open to people of all backgrounds.  Regardless of your need, we stand with open arms to assist you in finding answers to your problems.  Through the study of God’s Word, worship, and the experience of our faith, we provide an opportunity for others to join us as we grow in Christ.


     Reaching and helping others is an opportunity to make our homes, communities, and the world a better place to live, work, and raise our children.

River of Life Church

935 Main Street W

Valdese, NC 28690
Phone: (828) 879-9313

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